Saturday, January 8, 2011

Run Around

Today was one of those crazy days. I actually had the morning off, which was really nice. Unfortunately it was my Saturday to get up with the kids...and they decided not to sleep in, so I was up at about 645. I got up fed the kids, brushed my teeth, and turned on some cartoons. Jonathan woke up around 730, and then headed to O'Reilly's for a diagnostic on his car. Then we all loaded up to drop his car off at Midas and stop into Target to grab my paycheck and some diapers, and then also head to the bank. Once we were home we played, watched some more cartoons, had a snack, and then Jonathan had to go buy some parts once Midas called with everything they would need. It's a huge hassle having to run all over the place buying parts...but so worth it. We have saved a ton of money on car work this way. Jon left and I put the kids down for their nap. When Jonathan got home we ate lunch, watched TV, and then I decided to take a nap. I was awoken by Jonathan's phone twice though, so decided to give up on the nap since I knew the kids would soon be up. Once the kids were up from their nap they ate some corndogs and we were off to Midas again to get Jon's car. No more running around...but it was however time for Jonathan to head to work at Scottrade. Long day...I'm tired and so are the kids.

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