Monday, January 24, 2011

Sick Day

This morning started off pretty normal. I was up making the kids breakfast and waiting for Justus to get up so I could get him ready for school. Matthias and Charley were already up and dressed. Justus got up around 715 and came out to the living room. He said, "I feeling sick." Now, he says this a lot, so I disregarded him and told him I was making him something to eat. He then turned around and headed for the bathroom and sat in front of the toilet. He didn't get sick, but he then decided to lay on the bathroom floor for quite some time. Since this was not something that happened all the time I knew he must really be sick. I gave him some milk and his breakfast...which he said he wanted. It wasn't long however before he had to make another trip to the bathroom...this time he did get sick. He spent most of the morning laying in the chair all bundled up. By nap time he was back to his normal self I'm glad that he is feeling better.

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