Sunday, January 31, 2010

When the Cat's Away...

This picture comes courtesy of Justus. It seems like everytime Jon and I aren't paying attention to the boys and what they are doing, they head straight for Neifi's water...without fail. Today Justus decided to get the camera out for me. I guess he knew I would want to document the huge mess they made by spilling Neifi's water. It also appears as though Matthias is licking

the water off his hand....nice.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Two Little Monkies...

Justus and Matthias love to jump...almost as much as Matthias likes to dance...almost. They just love to jump....on the furniture, beds, people, each other...just about anything really. Today their item of choice to jump on was Matthias' bed.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Splish Splash

So as soon as I turn the water on in the bathtub the boys come running into the bathroom taking their pants, shirts, and diapers off, which makes it very hard to give Charley a bath without getting splashed in the face. Tonight I decided to try giving Charley a bath in the kitchen sink so that she could bathe alone. It went very well. She really liked the sink and started crying when I took her out.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

It's Dancey Dance Time!

Matthias is a dancing machine. Jonathan taught him the sprinkler this evening. He was pretty good at it if you ask me.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Let it Snow!

This afternoon after the kids got up from their naps we had to make a quick run to Wal-Mart to get milk. Of course it decided to blizzard as soon as we were getting out of the van. Matthias loved the snow falling on him. I guess the good thing about the snow fall was that I got the picture of the day.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Jonathan built the boys a "fork" (as Justus calls it) in Springfield a couple weekends ago, and since then they have wanted us to build them one almost everyday. I built them one today. They loved playing in it. It's so funny the things that kids truly enjoy.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Apple Juice

Charley had her first taste of applejuice today. She was a little shocked by the taste. I think it was a little tart or something because she would make a face after each sip. I think she liked it though....or at least she kept drinking it.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Poo Water

This afternoon while Jon, Charley and I were watching the Colts game the boys wandered off. We didn't really think much of it since they will go and play in Matthias and Charley's room quite often. After I hadn't heard them in a few minutes I knew they must be up to something...and most likely doing something they weren't supposed. I was right. I headed down the hall and noticed a puddle of water outside the bathroom door. I opened the door to the bathroom to find Justus and Matthias standing around the toilet...Matthias completely soaked holding a fish sponge and Justus holding a cup and the floor covered with water.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Poopy Hands

All was quiet this afternoon after Jon and I put the kids down for their naps. We assumed they all were asleep...but we were wrong. I heard something in Matthias' room, so I went in to check on him and make sure he was asleep. When I opened the door I was greeted by a naked Matthias covered in poop. It was on his hands, arms, legs, and gross. After the photo op, I put Matthias in the tub and then cleaned up the room with disinfectant.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Baby It's Cold Outside

This morning on our way out to the gym Justus decided to run off. The boys love being outside. I think they are going a little stir crazy in the house....and frankly so am I. I decided I might as well let him run around outside even if it was a little chilly just to burn off some of that extra energy. His little nose was bright red after letting him run around for just a few minutes. I think we are all looking forward to it getting a little warmer so that we can make playing outside one of our daily activities. There is only so much Yo Gabba Gabba one mother can handle!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Gotta Wear Shades

So I am completely obsessed with sunglasses. One of my favorite people bought me a whole bag full of sunglasses for my birthday...I was super excited about it, and apparently so is Justus. He goes into my room and gets a pair of sunglasses to wear around the house quite often. This evening he decided he needed to wear them during dinner time. I guess it must be bright in the kitchen. As you can see, he wasn't really eating his dinner, he was playing with it.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Big Girl

Our little Charley is getting so big. She has started sitting up on her own. I'm not ready for her to grow up yet. I think I might be in trouble.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Shirt Free

So this is more about the story than the picture. Today Justus had a bad nap fact, he didn't even take a nap. I laid the boys down for a nap between 11:30 and 12. Between 12 and 2:30 I went in a few times to check on that time I had to change a stinky diaper not once....not twice, but three times! Three stinky diapers in 2 1/2 hours. When I went in the last time he was laying on the floor with his shirt off wide awake. I finally gave up on nap time, and Justus was okay with that.

Monday, January 18, 2010


I used to make cornbread all the time, but then I good reason really. I had forgotten how much Matthias loves cornbread. We had gotten some with one of our dinners this weekend and had some leftover. Matthias got to enjoy some for a snack today. He couldn't have enjoyed it more!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Swing Time

Justus loves being swung up into the air. He kept saying, "Again, Daddy, again." I'm pretty sure he would never get bored being swung into the air...but eventually it gets pretty tiring. Jon was a good sport though and sung him many times before calling it quits.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

I Spy

One of Justus' favorite things at Aunt Sarah's house is an "I Spy" book. Justus always looks through it everytime we come here. He loves for us to ask him to point out things in the book. He can spend quite a bit of time looking through this book....and that's okay with me.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Blast Off!

One of the boys favorite shows is Little Einsteins. Unfortunately, they don't get to see it very often because it comes on when we are at the gym. Aunt Sarah has Comcast, and Comcast has Disney On Demand...we don't. So while at Aunt Sarah's they get to watch as much Little Einsteins as they can handle. This is them doing the motions to the opening song. They love it!!!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Artist at Work

Matthias very focused this morning while coloring. I'm not sure what he was creating, but he was very serious while doing it.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Standing Tall

I came into the living room after doing the dishes and found Justus walking around with these two tubs on his feet. I was actually quite impressed that he thought to put them on his feet and walk around. I'm still not sure how he originally got them on his feet though. He walked around the whole house with them on. He referred to them as "my shoes".

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Mobile Baby?

This is a horrible picture of actually showing what is going on. I had just laid Charley in her crib for the evening and she decided she wanted to get on all four and start rocking back and forth. I of course sprinted off to get my camera. With her being in her crib and her pajamas being the same color as her sheets it's kind of hard to tell she is on all four and rocking, but trust me...she is. She has been so close recently trying to get on all four...and tonight she finally accomplished it! I wonder if this means we will soon have a mobile baby??

Monday, January 11, 2010

Mommy's Little Helpers

One of the boys favorite chores around the house is helping me with laundry. For some reason they both love putting clothes into the dryer and taking turns pushing the start button. Today was really sweet though because while they normally take turns putting things directly into the dryer, today they formed an assembly line. They didn't complain the whole time and they both had fun doing it. It's so cute to see them working together!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Nothing Like a John Deere

Tonight on our way home from Mt. Vernon we decided to make a pit stop at Lowe's. While I was busy looking for double sided tape Jon decided to entertain the boys with the riding lawn mowers. I was unsuccessful in finding double sided tape, but I did succeed in getting my picture of the day.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Nap Time with Daddy

This morning I left Charley with Jon in our room to clean up a mess the boys had made. When I came back a few minutes later I found them both asleep and all snuggled up. It was too cute not to get a picture.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Once Bitten...

So, while getting Matthias dressed this morning I noticed a mark on his back. At closer examination I realized it was in the shape of a 3 year old sized mouth. The dental impressions and lab results aren't back yet, but I have a sneaking suspicion that I know who bit him.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Snow Day

Last night we got a little bit of snow. Sadly, I didn't get a chance to take the boys out to play in it. They did get to play a little bit when we went out to the van before heading to Wal-Mart and the gym. I was actually surprised that Justus liked it. Every time it has snowed before now he has hated it. He liked kicking the snow and touching it and stomping around it. Maybe we will make it outside tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Nice Shiner

So Justus has sustained injury #2 from bouncing around uncontrollably on his new bed (or more likely Matthias'). Last night Justus started crying after we had put the boys in their room. He started crying really loud and hard, which isn't typical. I went back to check on him and he told me he hurt, but wouldn't tell me where. He kept rubbing his eye, so I thought that might be the problem. It was a little red, but not bleeding or anything like that. He calmed down pretty quickly once I held him and Jon helped to distract him by making him laugh. I didn't really think much of it until this morning when he got up I noticed his slightly bruised eye. Our poor child...he has looked kind of beat up this week.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Let's Rock N Roll

One of Jon's co-workers has been the source for many of the boys' clothes and recently some toys. We are very grateful for all the things they have given say the least. Last night Jon brought home a bag full of toys for the boys. Inside was this guitar. It is a Yo Gabba Gabba guitar that looks like Muno. Matthias absolutely loves this guitar. In fact, he fell asleep with it. I went in and got the guitar out of his room once he fell asleep for fear that he might wake up in the middle of the night and be so overcome with excitement he would wake us all up by rocking out on Muno. Well, first thing this morning Matthias asked for his guitar. As you can see he didn't really want to play the guitar he just wanted to hold it while he watched cartoons. I guess he wanted to be ready to play in a moments notice.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Messy Baby

Charley has recently started eating baby food. She loves it! She gets so excited. She can hardly wait for the next bite to go into her mouth. Tonight she tried squash for the first time...and it didn't disappoint.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Go Cubs Go!

This hat was actually bought for Justus when he was 6 months old. The boys love this hat...even though it is way too small for either of them. They put it on and run around the house...and fight over who gets to wear it. This morning Matthias was the lucky one who got to wear the hat around the house.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Most days that Jon doesn't have to work he likes to relax...I don't blame him. He works a lot. This picture is a good representation of what happens when the kids are all taking a nap....Jon decides to take one too.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Fat Lip

I've decided to start a little project. Hopefully I will be able to keep up with it. My goal is to take at least one picture everyday and then post a picture of the day. I really want to remember the kids how they are and I figure by taking more pictures I can have our memories better recorded. Hopefully at the end of the year I can print all of them out and save them for the kids. We'll see how that goes though.

Anyways, so here's the picture of the day....

The boys got race car beds for Christmas. They love them! I, however, do not. They are huge and thanks to Jon and I not measuring them before purchasing them, they take up the ENTIRE room...almost literally. But, like I said, the boys love them. They love climbing on the back "spoiler" and jumping off and bouncing around uncontrollably. Justus has even begun jumping from Matthias' bed to his own...they are inches apart, so it's really not that far of a jump. All that to say...tonight it happened...our first bleeding injury. I didn't get the blood gushing (okay it wasn't gushing) from his mouth, but I did capture his huge lip on camera. At least now it will look like he has some street least for the next day or so anyways.