Monday, October 31, 2011

Rough Start

This morning the kids were on a 12. I thought I was going to go crazy. They were screaming, fighting, and running around. By 10 we had suffered a few injuries...including Justus throwing a toy at Thi's face. Lovely.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Jammie Time

Thi got some new jammies for his birthday. He has been so excited to wear them to bed the past two nights. I think he looks pretty cute in these.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Happy Birthday Party Thi!

Today we celebrated Thi's birthday. We had the family over. Matthias had such a fun time. He got an Alphie and a whole bunch of Captain America stuff. He was so excited about everything. Thi's actually birthday is Tuesday. I can't believe he is going to be 4.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Planet Fun

Today was a pretty eventful day. I picked the boys up after school so we could head to Ed. Jones to trick or treat at the trust company. The kids had a ton of fun and got a ton of candy. After we were finished trick or treating we went to a friends' birthday party....well their son's birthday party. It was at a place called Planet Fun. It was kind of like a big Playland. The kids had a blast. We just got home and put the kids to bed and are wathing Game 7. It's been a good night.

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Matthias is always really excited to come home after school and show me what's in his backback. Today was no exception. Today he came home with a spider ring and he was very excited about it.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Story Time

Jon and I are still reading to the boys out of the Storybook Bible. The kids all really enjoy it, and it's really neat to see that they are actually retaining some of the stories.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Forgive me for my lack of posting pictures. I am in a slump of sorts. I just haven't been in a very productive mood to say the least. I'm trying to snap out of it. Anyways...I promise to post pictures soon.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Back to Normal

After three days off of school last week, today was back to our normal schedule. I'm pretty sure that Thi was a little tired after not getting a nap...but Justus wasn't effected at all.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Busy Day

This morning we started the day by attempting to go to church. I say attempting because we never made it. There was a race in Tower Grove and we tried to use GPS to get around it...but I'm pretty sure our church must have been right in the middle of the race, because we never made it to church. We got home, played outside for a little while. I decided to take a little nap, then got up and took a couple of shirts back to Old Navy. When I got home I gave Charley and Justus a bath...Thi was still sleeping. I then got ready for pictures and then got the kids ready. We then headed to St. Charles for our family pictures. Once we were done with pictures we ended the evening by treating the kids to some McDonald's. The kids are now all in bed and we are getting ready to watch the Cards game, and then head to bed.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Trunk or Treat

Today was trunk or treat at Ed Jones. The kids had a great time going from car to car getting candy...and they all looked super cute too.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Sick Day

This morning the kids and I loaded up in the car to head to Wal-Mart. It is payday, which means we are out of just about everything. The main reason for the trip to Wal-Mart was to grab milk and a few other essentials, and I also decided to grab so donuts to make my life a little easier when we got home. I noticed that Justus was acting funny while we were at the store. He wanted to ride in the cart and wasn't really saying much...I just assumed he was still tired. When we got out to the car I thought he maybe looked a little pale, but he asked for a donut so I strapped them all in and gave them each there pumpkin donut. It wasn't two minutes after we left Wal-Mart that Justus started vomiting in the car. I guess I'm glad it happened in the car and not the store. We got home and he laid in the chair for most of the morning and by noon he was back to his normal self.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


So I tried to be sneaky today by putting my soda in a coffee cup. Justus is kind of obsessed with soda...wonder where he gets that. Unfortunately, my coffee cup didn't trick Justus. He ended up grabbing my cup while I wasn't paying attention....only to fall seconds later and spill it all over himself. I guess it was better than him drinking it.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Big Boys

So I take extra precaution with the boys by making them use sippy cups all the time. I really hate the thought of giving them a cup and having them spill its contents everywhere. I decided tonight to let them use actual glasses at dinner. Maybe it's time for me to treat them like big boys occasionally.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Justus loves procrastinating when it comes to going to bed. Sometimes we let him. Jon let him sit with him a little while, and then let him attempt to pop an empty the end Jon had to pop it.

Monday, October 17, 2011


Charley likes to refer to her cereal in the plural form. Today she took her cereals outside as we waited for the bus. She's pretty cute.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


I used to make chocolate cookies on a pretty regular basis, but I have kind of gotten out of the habit. Jon is a fan of my chocolate chip cookies. Today he asked if I would make some, so we went to the store to get the stuff I needed. I haven't felt super great today. I have had a headache and felt a little sick this morning...and I'm out of zyrtec, so I ended up taking some benedryl, which knocked me out for a couple hours this afternoon. When I woke up I still had a headache, so Jon was great and took the boys to go run a couple errands. I decided to reward him by having warm cookies ready when he got back. Oh and as if him taking the boys wasn't great enough...he came home and gave me some money so I could go buy some new jeans, and I got to go sans children! He really is the best. I think I will keep him a while longer!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Friday, October 14, 2011

Thursday, October 13, 2011

What Day is It?

Our week has made it hard for me to keep track of what day it is. We had house guests Sunday and Monday the boys didn't have school Monday. Tuesday was pretty normal, but we went to the gym in the afternoon instead of the morning and Jonathan stayed late at work. Wednesday Jon had the day off and we went with the boys on a field trip. Today was a normal schedule, and tomorrow the boys are off school. I can't keep track of the day this week. Oh well. I'm looking forward to the weekend.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Fun Farm

Thanks to a good friend watching Charley today, Jon and I were both able to attend a school field trip to a local orchard for pumpkin picking. It was fun to see the boys interact with their teachers and friends from school. The boys had a good time and loved the tractor ride and the "big slide" as they referred to it...a long tunnel slide. We also got to enjoy tire swings and pig races. It was a good day and I'm glad that Jon and I both got to experience it with the boys.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Old Windows

So if you follow me on pinterest you know that I have been posting projects that I could have done with our old windows. Well, since we got the window in our bathroom replaced I now have two windows that I get to experiment with. I'm super excited about it!

Monday, October 10, 2011

New Door

This morning we got our new sliding glass door and a new window in the bathroom. Both of them are a huge improvement. It's amazing how much difference comes from such small improvements.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Work Day

Matthias woke up sick this morning, so we ended up staying home from church. Jon took the opportunity to get some projects done around the house. He took the rails off the back patio, which really opens it up. He also put in a new mailbox and post, which also looks much better. It's kind of exciting to get some projects crossed off our list. Tomorrow morning we get a new sliding glass door and a new window in the bathroom. Fun stuff.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Good Day

This weekend Jon and I got to attend a parenting comference at our church. It was very eye opening for me and there was a lot of good advice given. I'm looking forward to applying it to my parenting. It has been a great weekend so far. We wrapped the day up with costume shopping and playing outside.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Fun with Friends

Today I took some pictures of our friends' four girls. I made some cut-out props for them to have fun with, which meant my kids got to have fun with them too. Matthias loved these glasses and also the moustaches.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


This guy is awesome, and I love him!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Story Time

Something that our family has been working on is setting boundries and trying to stick to a routine. We have been doing pretty well. Jon and I set up a work schedule for him that works pretty nicely for everyone. Another area we are working on is consistency with the kids, which includes reading to them and praying with them. Tonight we started the Jesus Storybook Bible with them.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Charley likes to play in the kitchen. I'm pretty sure she thinks she is helping me. I'm pretty sure she is making a mess. Oh least she is cute while doing it.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Out with the Old

So because we didn't have the new mattress delivered we were stuck with our old mattress. Big trash pick-up day isn't until the last Friday of the month, so we just put it out on the back patio. For now the kids enjoy playing on it.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

High Rise

We finally got a new mattress! I'm super excited about bedtime this evening. My parents had the kids today, so we decided it would be the perfect time to go bed shopping. We ended up going with a queen since we are planning on putting the house on the market in the spring and didn't want to make our room look tiny by filling it up with a king. We got a really great deal on the mattress as well. It was a discontinued model that for some reason had never gotten put out on the floor. It was originally a $900 mattress and we got it for $250! So excited! I had to go buy some new deep pocket sheets as well because our old sheets didn't even come close to fitting it.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Double Date

Today we were able to drop our children off with my parents. We also got to spend the day with Tom and Virginia. We went over to St. Louis for a bit and then came back to O'Fallon for putt-putt and dinner. It was nice having adult time and coming home to a very quiet house.