Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day!

We spent the day today in Mt. Vernon celebrating Memorial Day. We spent part of the day at my friend's house and then headed over to spend the rest of the day at Jon's family's house. While at my friend's house we put Matthias and Charley down for a nap. Thi didn't want to lay down at first, but soon settled in....or so we thought. After leaving him in the room for a while Jon went to check on him and found that he had climbed out of his pack n play. Not only that, but he had trashed the room and broken a whole bunch of sea shells and thrown some decorative rocks and his diaper leaked on their bed. I couldn't believe it. Thankfully my friend didn't mind, but it didn't stop me from feeling bad. Matthias spent a little time in his diaper while his clothes went through the washer and dryer.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Aunt Barbara!

Jon's Aunt Barbara is in town for a visit this weekend. Of course we are very glad to have her here. Matthias was a little timid when she first arrived. I think only because he was tired and super cranky. Once he got up from his nap he had returned to the loving, happy little boy we all know and love. I'm sure Aunt Barbara was happy that he did.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

What Happened?

**Warning** This story is not for the weak stomached.

Last night I was awoken in the middle of the night at 2 a.m. by Justus crying. I at first tried to ignore it thinking he had just woken up and would fall back asleep, but then Matthias woke up as well so I decided I better get up and put them both back to bed before they woke everyone in the house up. I first went in to check on Thi. He was easy enough to put back to bed. I covered him up and gave him Monkey and he was out. I then headed to Justus' room. As soon as I entered the room I was welcomed by the smell of a dirty diaper. Justus was sitting on his knees on his bed crying, "I stinky." I told him I could tell. I then told him to close his eyes while I turned on the light. When I turned on the light I was shocked at what I saw. There was blood everywhere...I mean EVERYWHERE. His face was completely covered. It was in his ear, on his sheets, on the wall, his legs, and his pajamas were covered. He was crying and it was in his mouth and dripping down his chin. There was even a blood clot on his shirt. I at first didn't even know what had happened or where the blood was coming from. Everything imaginable went through my mind. Did he fall off the bed? Is he seriously hurt? Do I need to call 911? I scooped him up and woke Jonathan up and took Justus to the bathroom. He was crying and a little shaky. I was so overwhelmed I didn't even know where to begin. I started wiping his face and realized the source of the bleeding was a bloody nose. It was so gross...blood clots and dripping. I was a little scared and thought we might have to take him to the emergency room. I had never seen a bloody nose that was so bad. His nose soon stopped bleeding and Justus seemed fine. We continued to clean him up and got his sheets, pajamas, and even his bear into the washer. Justus was in good spirits and we put him back to bed. It was definitely a little scary there for a minute, but he is totally fine.

Friday, May 28, 2010


Today Justus found my little canisters in the kitchen and decided to build a "castle" with them. He was very focused and determined as you can see.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Back to Normal

Charley has been back to herself today. It was a rough couple of days, but now she is the happy, smiley baby we all know and love. Today while trying to get some pictures she flashed this little expression. I'm not sure what she is doing, but she is super cute!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Addict in the Making

So I have an unhealthy relationship with soda. I am an addict...and I am well aware. I would much rather have a diet soda over any other beverage. I just love it! It seems that I have passed on my addiction to my child because he loves soda as well. He says, "Mmmmm, that taste good." And he throws in, "I like soda." Today when I set my soda down I soon found Justus sneaking a drink. I have definitely created a monster.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Cry, Cry, Baby

Charley is not feeling so well. She had a slight runny nose yesterday, but today it was even worse. She was also very cranky. All she wanted was to be held and when I set her down....this is what happened....she turned into a crying, snotty mess.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Shaggy No More

Today was my breaking point with Justus' hair. I could take the shaggy do no longer. I decided to cut it, which is always quite the ordeal. Justus hates getting his hair cut...and he makes it rather difficult for me to do so. He squirmed and cried, but he actually did a lot better with it today than ever before. I feel much better now...and he looks much better.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Future Beauty Queen

We went to Springfield today to see Jon's dad play a music gig. She got to ride around in the wagon. She liked it...and she even got to ride by herself. She got a little practice for when she gets to be a beauty queen on a float.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Justus loves Neifi. Justus loves to pick him up and carry him around. Neifi appreciates when Justus puts him down....even if it isn't very gently.

Friday, May 21, 2010


Today, while the boys were playing outside I saw them laying on the slide platform. I thought it was pretty cute. I thought it was even cuter when I learned that they were looking at the clouds. They were pointing and just laying there.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


I'm amazed at how my children fall asleep sometimes. I honestly don't know how they can be comfortable. Today Charley fell asleep like this. I'm not sure what she was doing before she fell asleep...but I'm sure she can't be comfortable.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Dare Devil

Today Justus got his small bike (that's what he refers to it as) out of the shed and somehow got it up on the slide platform. He can be such a wild man sometimes. Thankfully he didn't try to ride it off the edge or down the slide.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Icky Sicky

Thi was sick this morning. Yuck. He was very pale and tired. He didn't feel like doing much. He finally did get sick after coming to sit on my lap. He puked on me and also on Charley....nice. It only got on Charley's left foot and a little on her leg as well. Anyways...he then got sick a few more times, and after that was fine. The color returned to his face and he got his energy back. Once he had his nap he was back to normal. My little Thi guy.

Monday, May 17, 2010

So Proud

If you can't tell from the picture, Charley was so proud of herself for climbing on to this cushion from the couch. She was super excited. She was laughing and clapping and smiling. It was pretty cute....all after eating some bbq chips...thus the dirty face.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Worn Out

The kids spent the night Saturday night at Mimi and Papa's house. They always love going over there. My parents have a fenced in yard, so they are free to run where ever they feel like. They almost always come back exhausted and today was no exception. All three were out within minutes of our drive home.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Diaper Babies

I love my three babies. Sometimes they just love sitting together. Charley just likes that she is doing what her brothers are doing. She really admires them and I think they are pretty fond of her too.

Friday, May 14, 2010


I know there have been a lot of pictures of Charley lately...but she just keeps doing so many cute things : ). Today she sat in the kitchen and played with Justus' birthday card. It plays "Move It" from Madagascar 2. She was bouncing, rocking and clapping. She loved it. I kept restarting the card just to watch her dance.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Birthday Girl

Okay it isn't her birthday yet, but she got an early present from my good friend Mary in the mail. A cute little poncho. It is super soft too. I can't believe her birthday is in a month...crazy!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mac n Cheese

I'm so thankful that Charley is now eating more table food than baby food. She loves just about everything. I haven't found much that she won't eat. It's definitely a change to not have a picky baby.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Sleepy Girl

Charley has been super tired lately. I think it's a combination of things...a growth spurt and teething, which is causing her to not sleep so great. She loves for Jon to hold her. She is so squirmy when I hold her, but if I hand her over to her Daddy she becomes so calm. She loves her Daddy.

Monday, May 10, 2010

If Only

If only my boys could sit this quietly with each other all the time. It seems like they fight more than they get along sometimes. I know part of it is their ages. Maybe someday they will get along this well more than they fight.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Today was a great day. Although it didn't quite go as planned, it turned out very special. When I woke up Jon had made a special trip to Burger King for favorite. This is when the day started to go not as planned. I was in the bathroom blowdrying my hair and Jon was getting Matthias dressed. Justus was in the living room watching cartoons when he asked me for a napkin. I didn't think anything of it, but then he asked again so I told Jon to go check to see what he wanted a napkin for. Jon came out to the living room to find Justus sitting on the chair covered in puke....yuck! So, instead of making it to church we stayed home to take care of Justus. He was fine after naptime and so we put on his I heart Mommy shirt so that I could get a picture of my three loves. Who knew how hard it was to get a picture of three kids!?! Oh well...that's life. After naptime Jon got his sister and dad to come watch the kids so that we could go grab some Mother's Day dinner. I had a really great day and felt very special.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Nap Time?

At least it was for Jon this morning while watching cartoons with the boys. The boys didn't mind they sat there for quite some time without trying to wake Daddy up. I'm sure Jon appreciated that.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Where's My Pants?

So I changed Justus' diaper after nap time and he refused to put his pants back on. I didn't really care...I mean why does he need his pants on? So then Matthias woke up from his nap and I fed the boys and then decided to take them outside. Justus still refused to put his pants on, but he put his shoes on and we headed outside. While outside he kept asking, "Where are my pants?" It definitely made me smile.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Poor Baby Girl

So Charley is running a fever. But despite that she was still in a pretty good mood this afternoon. I'm probably going to take her to the doctor in the morning if her temperature hasn't come down. I'm just hoping it's not an ear infection. My poor baby!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Choo Choo

The boys love sitting up on the little hill in our backyard watching the train tracks. I'm okay with it as long as they don't go down the hill to get to the tracks.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I'm Hilarious...

or at least my kids think so.

Monday, May 3, 2010

My Child

This morning I was changing Justus' diaper when Charley crawled into his room and attempted to play with one of his toys that he probably hadn't touched since the night before. Justus being the 3 year old that he is decided he didn't like that and grabbed the toy (all while I'm trying to change his diaper) and proceeded to lift it up over his face....where he then dropped it. It was a small workbench toy...and it left a couple of small bruises on his face.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Nice Legs

Justus loves my shoes. I'm sure someday he will love when I get these pictures out.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Day at the Park

After nap time we headed to the park with the kids. It was the perfect day for it....not too hot, a nice breeze, and kind of cloudy. The kids all had a lot of fun. We found out Matthias is quite the rock climber and that Charley likes to eat rocks. She also loves to swing.