Thursday, February 28, 2013

Today's the Day

Today is the day we sold our house!  We have pretty much kept the news to ourselves since it was kind of a rough process, and we weren't really sure if we were actually going to sell our house.  We finally did make it to closing though, and we are pretty excited to be done with everything.  We are actually renting the house from the new owners until the end of the school year, so it doesn't seem real yet.  We are planning on moving closer to Jon's work once school is out.  We will rent for a year or two and then buy once I go back to work when Charley starts Kindergarten.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Big Girl

I have been having Charley work in a little Pre-K workbook lately.  She has been working on tracing shapes.  Today I decided to see if she could trace her name.  She did a great job.  I did the "h" to show her what I wanted her to do, but other than that she did the rest.  I was pretty proud.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


This morning I was awaken by Matthias telling me that Justus had colored all over himself and all over Matthias.  Matthias told me Justus wanted them to be rockstars.  I guess that means that rockstars have facial hair, lots of skin coloring, and wear every pair of underwear they own all at once.  A few minutes after this I also found that Justus had defaced Matthias school picture complete with blacked out teeth and angry bird eyebrows.  We had a serious talk about coloring on Mommy's pictures while I was giving him a bath and scrubbing the marker off of him before school.

Monday, February 25, 2013

My Children

I'm pretty sure my children have issues with clothes.  This is how I find them most of the time.  I promise I get them dressed in the morning, but by the end of the day...they all look like this.  Hopefully they grow out of this phase.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Luigi Wins

It's been a pretty busy weekend.  Even though today was less busy than yesterday I still feel like we have been on-the-go quite a bit.  I was kind of glad to sit down and relax this evening.  The kids decided to put on their old costumes.  He is still a pretty awesome Luigi! 

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Keeping Busy

Today has been a pretty busy day.  This morning Charley had dance class.  We decided Saturday morning class worked best for us since the class is smaller and doesn't require Jon to leave early from work.  After dance class we headed to the gym.  Then lunch and naptime.  And then I ran some errands.  The evening was nice since we didn't have anything to do...except color, of course.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Snow Day #2

Another snow day.  At least today the kids were able to play in the snow to burn off some energy.  They had fun playing outside, but I was glad when they came back in to warm up.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Snow Day

Tomorrow is a snow day at school.  I told the kids....and they were pretty excited.  Then Justus made this face.  Not sure what that means.  And see that on the window?  That's ice.  Hope it doesn't get too bad.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Petting Zoo

One of the local High Schools is holding a petting zoo for young children this week.  Matthias' class got to go this afternoon.  The animals have all been raised by the 4H students.  They had quite a few including: a horse, a calf, a piglet, a bunny, two lambs, and a few others.  Matthias and Charley are checking out some fish in this picture.  The both said their favorite part was getting to pet the baby chicks.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tiny Dancer

Tonight Charley attended her first dance class.  It was the cutest thing ever!  She loved every minute.  I loved it too.  I loved that she got to play with other girls her age...something she doesn't get at home.  I'm definitely excited for her to do more "girl" things.  She has another class on Saturday morning....then we have to decide if Tuesday night or Saturday morning works best for Charley.

Monday, February 18, 2013


The kids had the day off school...Jon unfortunately had to go into work.  He had a bunch of new accounts he had to get caught up on.  Anyways...when he got home the kids were ready to play....he however, had other plans.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

My Little Beau

Matthias found this bowtie a while back in our closet.  I'm not sure why we even have it.  But Matthias has been really wanting to wear it since he found it.  This morning I decided to get this shirt out...which had to be ironed, ick.  He absolutely loved wearing the bowtie.  He kept saying how awesome he looked in his bowtie.  And, I really must admit...this outfit made me want to go out and buy every bowtie I could find because I thought he looked so cute.

Saturday, February 16, 2013


So today Sarah came down from Springfield.  She had her friend with her, and his six year old daughter.  The kids had so much fun having another kid in the house.  Justus especially liked having someone his age to play with.  We hung out at our house and then we went to Monkey Joe's.  It was a pretty long day for everyone, and I'm hoping the kids fall asleep quickly this evening!

Friday, February 15, 2013

That Kind of Day

Today was a half day of school for Justus and no school for Matthias.  It definitely makes for a longer day when the kids are home from school.  I am looking forward to summer when we can get outside and play, swim, go to the park, etc.  But since it was a long day...and Jonathan was a little late in getting was a pizza kind of night.  I happen to love Domino's pizza...and they have a $5.99 deal if you order 2 or more.  It was just what was needed.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

So Jon and I didn't exchange gifts this year, but I decided to make one of his favorite meals.  Lasagna!  I rarely make it because it just has a lot of steps...and who has time for that?  I decided that since it was Valentine's Day I would deal with the long process.  I'm pretty sure it was worth it!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Boys vs. Girls

I love watching Charley and Matthias play together.  The difference...Charley wants to have a tea party with her princesses in her castle...Matthias wants to bust up the party with his Legomen and their weapons.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Bringing up Girls

I have started reading this book.  I am kind of naive about raising a little girl.  This book is making me aware of the kind of things that can happen in my sweet girl's life.  It's kind of scary, and I want to stop reading this book because I don't want to have to think about raising my girl in this sometimes mean world...but I am going to press on because I need to.

Monday, February 11, 2013


Getting these boys to bed can be quite the ordeal.  And when they are this cute it makes it even harder.

Sunday, February 10, 2013


Today the boys got to pick out their Valentine's.  I really wanted to make heart-shaped crayons or something....but I figured they wouldn't be as excited about that.  Matthias picked out Lego Star Wars and Justus picked out Ninja Turtles.  He worked on writing them out tonight.  It went much better than last year.  He breezed through them this year....last year we had to span it out over several nights. 

Saturday, February 9, 2013


Today Justus decorated his Valentine's bag for school.  I keep forgetting that Valentine's Day is this week! We are headed to the store tomorrow so the boys can pick out Valentine's to hand out to their friends.  I always love seeing what they decide on for things like this.  Their choices always seem very random to me, but they are always excited about them.

Friday, February 8, 2013


So Jon gets e-mails at work to attend different charity events that Edward Jones has sponsered.  We decided to sign-up for this one....the Muscle Team Bash, which supports the Muscular Distrophy Association.  It was pretty fun.  It was in the city, they had a band, silent auction, and dinner.  We left after dinner since the only thing after that was a live auction and dancing.  We couldn't afford any of the stuff in the silent somehow I doubt we would have been able to afford anything in the live auction.  It was a good time though.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Wiped Out

This evening a little before 7 I went to the boys room to check on the kids.  They were back there playing.  When I walked in Thi was out for the count.  I assume he was just extra tired after being sick yesterday.  Even though it was dinner time I decided not to wake him.  I figured he really needed the sleep.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Sick Day

This morning Thi-guy woke up not feeling so well.  He came and crawled into bed with me and said he was sick.  He had a runny nose and a pretty icky cough...but nothing else.  Not long after he crawled into bed though he was up getting  sick.  Poor little guy.  He got sick then I gave him a bath to clean him up, and then he was pretty much back to normal.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


This is some of my Lego progress.  I decided to put together some of our Cars sets...(1) we have duplicates of a couple of the sets, and (2) there are no Lego men in these sets.  I haven't really decided what to do about our Lego man situation.  See that little bucket in the bottom corner?  It's FULL of Lego men and their pieces.  The hard part is Matthias plays with them everyday...and not the same ones either.  He makes new creations all the time.  I don't know if I'll have the heart to take many away from him.  I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

Monday, February 4, 2013

City Inspection

So since we are trying to sell our house we had to get a city inspection done.  The main thing that needed to be done was the outlets had to be switched to two-prong outlets due to our old wiring.  We also had to put in a couple of GFCI outlets behind the washer.  They were quite the challenge since they are a little different to wire, but Jonathan got it done!  Now maybe we can sell our house ;)

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Super Bowl

So our Lego situation is out of control.  I've decided that I am going to sell a few sets to cut down on the amount of Legos we have.  I decided to make it easier I would begin by seperating all the pieces by color.  It is quite the process, but I'm hoping it will pay off when I go to put together some of the sets.  I'm only getting rid of sets we have duplicates of...or ones they just have no interest in.  So while the Super Bowl is on...I am sitting sorting Legos.

Saturday, February 2, 2013


This evening we had some of our good friends over.  We had dinner and then played a friendly game of Bang!.  How awful that I didn't get my camera out while they were actually here.  But let me just say if you have never played this game it is pretty fun.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Last Minute Date Night

Jon got home a little late this evening.  He was trying to get caught up at work on a few things since he is taking most of the day off on Monday.  When he got home our kids were over with their favorite Ms. Marcia, so I asked if she could watch them while we grabbed a quick dinner.  It was great to have a little last minute date.