Saturday, April 30, 2011

Long Day

It has been a really long day. I had to work from 8-4, and then we headed to our friends' house for dinner. Work was good, and hanging out is always fun. The kids always have a really good time hanging out with Sammy and Caleb. I sure am glad to be home though.

Friday, April 29, 2011


Justus is the king of procrastination when it comes to bed time. He puts it off as long as possible. He goes to the bathroom multiple times. He asks for toys. He does just about anything he can. Tonight he said he had to go potty...when I went to check on him I found him playing the bathroom drawers. When I took his picture he decided to make funny faces.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Piano Man

This evening we headed out for Community Group. The guys did a little project while the girls hung out. The kids had a blast playing on the piano. They loved it!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Bye, Bye Sadie

My mom finally made it home from Arizona today. She was supposed to fly in Sunday, but the airline postponed her flight due to the tornado that ripped through the airport. Needless to say she arrived safely this afternoon. This also meant we had to say good-bye to mom's dog. We've had her for two weeks, and the kids were sad to see her go.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My Boys

So this afternoon the kids and I watched Beauty and the Beast. It's one of my favorites...actually it probably is my favorite. Anyways...I'm also glad that the boys like it too.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Eggs

It seems like no matter how many Easter eggs I get rid of...they just keep multiplying. The kids must have them hidden around the house or something because everytime I turn around I find more of them.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

He is Risen!

Happy Easter from all us Klestinski's!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Next Up

So now that Thi is pretty much potty trained...we just have one Klestinski child left. She's been really interested in the potty...but couldn't sit on the big potty, so tonight I bought a little potty for her. I'm not sure we'll start anytime soon, but she already likes sitting on it.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday

We had big plans today to go to the zoo or to the park. We just wanted to do something fun with the kids....but unfortunately the weather didn't cooperate, so we stayed at home for most of the day. We did however get our van fixed, so that's one thing that got crossed off the list.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 2

Thi is actually doing really well with potty training. He has only had two very small accidents...barely enough to get his underpants wet. Hopefully this will continue. At this point I am still reminding him to go to the bathroom, but there were a couple times that he went on his own. Two to go.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Let the Potty Training Begin

Here goes nothing. We are attempting to potty train Thi for the second time. The first time did not go to well. It was when we were potty training Justus and Thi was so not ready. We definitely think he is ready this time around. We headed to the store this morning and he got to pick out a couple of packs of underpants. His choices were Yo Gabba Gabba and "Supers" a.k.a. superheroes. We are rewarding him with stickers and if he goes #2 he will get tootsie rolls. We just started this afternoon, so I will keep you posted on how it is going.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Bedtime Snack

Tonight before bedtime I gave the kids a little snack and turned on a little TV for them. We haven't done too much today...although I did have to clean up a mess in Charley's room since she took her diaper off during naptime. I didn't have her Houdini-proof jammies on....lesson learned.

Monday, April 18, 2011


So this morning I watched one of my friend's two little girls. I really love watching Charley interact with other girls her own age. She doesn't get to be around girls very often since she has two brothers, and it seems that a lot of our friends that we hang out with have boys as well. I loved watching these two girls. It was great to have more boys than girls in the house!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Bubble Gun

Today has been pretty low key. We headed to church this morning, and then just relaxed. After naptime we did head outside to play with bubbles. I bought a cheap little bubble blowing gun the other day. Justus loved it once he figured out how to work it.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt

This morning we headed to Tower Grove for our church's community Easter egg hunt. It was freezing cold!! It was rainy, windy, and cold....not a great combo for an Easter egg hunt. We let the kids hunt some eggs and then bolted for the car.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Last Resort

So for the past week or two Charley has been taking all her clothes off while in her crib....followed by her diaper. It's been very frustrating. She pees all over her bed at least once a day. Most of the time we catch her before anything happens, but in the early morning when she first gets up it's hard to get to her in time. I have had to wash her bedding twice a day for the past couple of days. So I read online a suggestion to cut the feet off of footie pajamas and put them on backwards to keep kids from taking their jammies that's what I did tonight. I wasn't too excited about cutting the feet off of her jammies, but she can get everything we've put her in at night off. At this point I would rather cut the feet off a couple pairs of jammies than have to wash her bedding twice a day. And the picture she is already looking for the zipper to get her jammies off.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Cheap Entertainment

So while at Wal-Mart I picked up some bubbles. We headed to the park this afternoon, and the bubbles were a big hit. It's crazy how much kids love bubbles.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


So over the weekend I got a new camera! I'm super excited about it. I got a Nikon d7000. (Also the reason why I haven't posted pictures the past couple of days...the files are too big, so I have to resize them.) I cannot believe the difference between shooting pictures with this one and the d60. This camera is super fast. I have been trying to test it out...but my kids are not willing subjects. They won't look at me or sit still. I'm going to have to find some guinea pigs so I can play with all the settings. This was the best picture I got of Charley today....pretty cute.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Escape Artists

For some odd reason the kids have had a hard time staying indoors. We are watching my mom's dog, so anytime she goes outside next thing I know one of the kids has run out too....soon followed by the rest. Hopefully this is a continuing trend.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Little Chef

I made the kids some pancakes this afternoon. It's my go to when I need to go grocery shopping since I almost always have the ingredients, and the kids will all eat them. Anyways....Justus loves helping me flip the pancakes. He's pretty good at it too. **Can't seem to get the picture to upload. I will try again in the morning.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Work In Progress

We started a little outdoor project. We've been wanting to get rid of the awful lava rock in our front yard since we moved in. This summer we are going to be working on the outside of the house, so the first project is removing the lava rock. We started the process today. We are digging up some of the dirt also so we can put a thick layer of mulch down. I'm excited that we are finally starting this procject. I can't wait till we finish it....hopefully next weekend.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Momma Bear

This afternoon I heard Charley in her room playing, so I went to see what she was doing. She was carrying around her bear, patting it on the back. I tried to sneak in and get a picture, but she caught me and ran down the hall with her bear. I did get her to stop and say "cheese".

Friday, April 8, 2011

Water Nerf

So while at Target today Thi picked out a package of three waterguns from the dollar spot. I dedided to get them, and I'm glad I did. The kids had so much fun with them this afternoon. Justus even got good at refilling his in the water table...which was nice for me. Justus referred to it as his water Nerf.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


So tonight for Community Group we headed to the park. One of the family's is moving in a couple weeks so we decided to have a fun night so we could hang out before they leave. It was a lot of fun...although Justus did fall and get a bloody nose....oops. He was fine though.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My Bunny Boys

I got these bunny ears today at Target. They were in the one spot. I thought they would be cute on Charley....turns out the boys loved them.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Playing at the Park

This afternoon after nap time we headed to the park. Longacre Park is the greatest. It's fenced in, which makes my life easier, and the kids LOVE it. We didn't get there until almost 5 and it wasn't crowded at all. The kids got to run around and burn off some energy. We stayed for about an hour and then headed home. It was a good afternoon.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Mad Face

I see this face a lot. Matthias pouts all the time. I love him and his mad face though!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

I Want to Hold Your Hand

So I know I've mentioned this before...but Charley and Thi have a really sweet relationship. While they don't always get along...they really are good friends. They love one another. Charley adores both of her big brothers, but her and Thi have a special bond. I really hope it continues as they grow up.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Nerf or Nothin'

So Jonathan promised Justus a surprise today. Originally he had thought about taking him to see Thomas...but he didn't realize it was all the way in St. Charles So instead I got to take Justus to the store and he could pick out a toy. He chose a Nerf gun of all things.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Big Shoes

Charley decided to wear my shoes around the house. She thought she was pretty did I.