Sunday, February 28, 2010

Pure Joy

Today after church Jonathan was playing with the boys. He was throwing a ball in the air and catching it with two bowls. The boys thought this was hilarious! They were laughing so, so hard. I was in the kitchen doing dishes and couldn't help but to come watch them laugh. It was so captivating. I love listening to them laugh!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

So Close...

Charley can now get up on her knees and is so close to standing up. She is getting so big. She just started pulling herself up on her knees today...and since she figured out that she can do it she has been doing it all the time. I'm so not ready for her to grow up!

Friday, February 26, 2010


Charley can now hold her own bottle. She has been able to do it for the past week and a half or so. She has gotten really good at it. This might not seem like a big deal...but it is. It's nice because now I can set her in the floor and give her a bottle and do dishes or fold clothes or whatever. It gives me a little more freedom back to do whatever needs to be done. Occasionally I still hold her and give her a bottle only because I know she won't let me do it for much longer.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Ducks in a Row

Today while making dinner I noticed that the boys had gotten into Jonathan's Gatorade. I didn't see the bottles anywhere, so I asked Justus where daddy's drinks were. He said, "In here." He then lead me into his bedroom where he had lined them all up on his bed.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Bye Bye Pee Pee

Justus loves flushing his pee down the toilet. Matthias does too actually : ). Whey they flush the toilet they say "bye bye pee pee". Sometimes they even wave. Potty training is going okay. I'm not sure if Justus is ready yet though. He is pretty resistant and I don't think he fully understands that he has to go to the bathroom. We'll see what happens though.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Charley got to try banana puffs today. She wasn't really all that impressed. She had a hard time getting them in her mouth...maybe I need to start with something a little bigger for her to feed herself.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Round 1

Potty training began today. I was going to try potty training both boys, but after several accidents this morning I realized that might have been a little over zealous of me. So, we are going to do the boys one at a time. First up is Justus. He has done really well. I actually worked with him yesterday afternoon. He went on the potty (just pee) 5 times and had one minor accident. Today went pretty well also. This morning was rough, but this afternoon he did a good job. He likes to watch himself go pee...whatever works I guess. He also likes the fact that he gets candy each time he goes on the potty. He can eek out even the tiniest amount possible to get a penny for his candy machine.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

What Happens at Mimi's...

stays at Mimi's. My mom said that Matthias woke up with his nose looking like this this morning. Who knows what happened. The boys sleep in the same room there, so it really is hard to say.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

So Long, Farewell

The kids were off to Mimi and Papa's for the night. Jon has a work party that we are attending, so we get to enjoy dinner and the party kid free!

Friday, February 19, 2010


That's what Justus said when I came into the living room and found that he had gotten his bathtime body "paint" and poured them out. How did he get so sneaky?

Thursday, February 18, 2010

All Aboard!

This morning I took Charley back to her room to change her diaper and get her dressed for the day. When I returned to the living room I found Justus with all the kitchen chairs lined up. He was standing in the first one saying..."All aboard!" While I wasn't too happy that he had drug the chairs across the floor...I thought it was pretty cute and very imaginative.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


You can finally see Charley's first tooth when she smiles. I think it's pretty cute! Her second tooth is so close to surfacing, but isn't quite there yet.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Time for Funny Faces...

During Yo Gabba Gabba! there is a segment called "funny faces". Usually the boys just watch, but today Justus decided to participate.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Thi's Turn

Well today it was Matthias' turn to catch the stomach bug that Justus had. The day started out with him getting sick all over the living room. He seems to be feeling a little better...just worn out. He fell asleep within 5 minutes of laying him down this evening...and that is after he took over a 3 hour nap this afternoon. Poor little guy.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day

For Valentine's Day, Charley decided to snuggle with her valentine...her daddy.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day....Tomorrow

Tonight we decided to make Daddy Valentines. The boys had a fun time painting and picking out a few stickers. Daddy will be surprised when he gets home tonight.

Friday, February 12, 2010


Justus hasn't felt too great today. I didn't really notice that he wasn't acting like himself until we got home from running errands this morning. We had gotten up early and left pretty quickly, so I didn't realize he was being very quiet and that he wasn't interested in his breakfast (they ate in the car). When we got home I noticed that he didn't want to play much...although was still in a pretty good mood. I finally figured out that he was somewhat sick when I went into his room to get any toys out before nap time and noticed that he had gotten sick all over his jammies (he took them off himself and was in only a diaper when I got him up this morning), his pillow and his sheets. He had also had a couple of pretty nasty diapers. I'm hoping that it is a 24 hour thing and that no one else gets it. Justus was pretty good today and still in good spirits, so it wasn't really that bad since he only had the 2 nasty diapers and the one time getting sick...he was just a toned down version of himself today.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

On the Move

So today was the day Charley decided to crawl. She is so cute when she does it! I was so excited...even though I didn't witness her first time crawling. She was in the nursery at the gym....of course, once the babysitter told me I made Charley demonstrate and she didn't disappoint. Head over to the other blog to see a short video if you like...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Did I Mention...

that Charley is teething and super cranky? I know I just posted a picture of her crying, but this is what my days have been like the past couple of days. Almost every time I put her down she starts screaming and crying. She has one tooth that has come through her gums and one other one that is very close...but I'm wondering if she has more than one that is close to breaking the gumline.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Water Babies

Tonight was bath night. The kids all love bathtime. Charley cries everytime when I take her out. They all have so much fun splashing around together.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Free Ride

Today the boys entertained themselves by giving each other "rides" up and down the hall on a blanket. They had a good time, and they were very good about taking turns.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Geaux Saints!

Jon asked Justus today who was going to win the Superbowl. Justus predicted the Saints. Jon and I were kind of rooting for the Colts. Good thing we didn't make a bet with Justus...he would have won big!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Snuggle Bear

Charley hasn't been feeling too great. She has been cranky and tired. She loves this bear...almost as much as she loves her doll. All she wanted to do today was be held...and she got quite snuggle-y this afternoon. I thought it was too sweet when she started snuggling with her bear.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Cry, Cry Baby

My normally very happy, smiley baby girl has been very cranky the past couple of days. She was especially cranky today and did not want to be put down. Yesterday I did discover that one of her bottom teeth popped through the gums and their is a second one that is just about there. I'm thinking this may be the culprit in causing Charley to be unhappy.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things...

Two of Matthias' favorite things are cornbread and green beans. Today for lunch he got a little of both and everything was right in the world.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Day the TV Died...

Today I decided that we watch too much TV during the day, so we are no longer watching TV in the afternoon. We typically watch Oso and Mickey Mouse in the morning....and sometimes Little Einsteins. I've decided that's enough TV in one day. The boys didn't like this idea too much this afternoon. They did a whole lot more crying and whining...hopefully that won't last but a couple of days.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


We can never get the boys to keep footie pajamas on. Last night though we finally got the boys to sleep in them. This morning they both wanted to sit in the chair...together. This is very rare that they will sit next to each other without pushing, crying, hitting, or yelling. Maybe they really do love each other.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Sweet Babydolly

Charley got a new babydoll from Mimi this weekend. She really likes it...loves it, I mean. I think it's the hair.