Monday, April 30, 2012

A Girl and her Salad

Have I mentioned Charley's love for salad?  If not...Charley LOVES salad.  Our wonderful neighbor...who loves our children...almost always has a big bowl of salad in her fridge.  Charley will go over there just so she can get some salad with "dress up" on it.  I really can't complain because how many kids like eating lettuce and spinach?

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Down Time

Since my parents kept the kids over night last night we had some down time today.  I have a hard time with down time since I'm not all that familiar with it.  I feel like I should be doing something.  Jon insisted that I sit down for a bit and watch baseball.  I did enjoy it...although note my shoes are on ready for action.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Lights Out

Today while it was raining our power went out...what!?!  That hasn't happened in a while.  It was a pretty crazy storm.  We got hail bigger than golf balls. (Perhaps there will be a payday in our near future for hail damage...fingers crossed).  It actually hailed for quite a while...which seemed so odd to both Jon and I...usually it hails for a few minutes and then stops after a couple minutes.  It was so loud in the house too.  We really thought it might break the glass on our side entrance door.  It didn't....but it did knock our power out for a few hours.

Friday, April 27, 2012

My Hero

Matthias LOVES Captain America.  He is definitely his favorite super least for the moment.  I'm glad he was Captain America for Halloween because he loves wearing the mask around. 

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Whistlin Dixie

Matthias' newest skill is whistling.  And let me tell you...he shows off this skill any chance he gets.  I have to admit it's pretty cute.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

It's Time

The time has come to say good-bye to the pack n play.  It has been good to us...and survived our crazy kids.  But since Charley is now in a big girl bed...and easily able to climb out of the pack n's time to part ways. It's kind of bittersweet.  It means our kids are no longer babies and that makes me a little sad...but excited too.  I'm posting it on hopefully we won't own this soon.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Green Thumb

Today I am trying to turn my black thumb a little green.  I planted some flower seeds.  I've never been much of a gardener...but I can kind of see why people like it.  I guess we'll find out in a week or two if maybe I have a green thumb.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Lazy Day

After a lot of running around and entertaining this weekend....I took the day off.   I didn't do much...and it felt pretty good.

Sunday, April 22, 2012


It seems as though we haven't had much luck with the weather lately.  When they started our siding they worked one day and then it rained the next three.  We have only had soccer twice in over a month due to rain.  Landscaping was supposed to happen last weekend, but it rained all weekend.  Today wasn't that great of a weather day to work outside, but thankfully we have some pretty great friends who were willing to help anyways.  They got it done, and it looks so good!  Now I just have to hope my black thumb doesn't kill all the pretty plants and flowers we just planted.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Round 2

Even though we started soccer over a month ago today was only our second game.  Between Easter and the rain, soccer has not been much fun...and the two Saturdays that we have had soccer it's been pretty chilly.  The good thing was Aunt Barbara, Grandpa, and Aunt Sarah got to join us this morning. And as a little side is Jon and my dating anniversary.  We started dating 8 years ago today!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Family Fun

Since Aunt Barbara was in town Jon decided to take a half day at work.  We were able to meet him downtown for lunch at Charlie Gitto's.  It is one of our favorites..and Aunt Barbara likes trying new places.  After lunch Jon's dad and sister came over and we got to enjoy the afternoon bowling.  It was the first time we had taken the kids bowling.  Matthias loved it...the other two lost interest after a few times rolling the ball.  I think it would have been better for them if it would have been just the kids bowling since it would have gone faster.  I think there was too much down time and they lost interest because of it.  Oh was still fun to go as a family.

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Today has been a busy day.  This morning we got up and we took Aunt Barbara to Mt. Vernon to see her family.  Isn't so weird that Jon has family in Mt. Vernon...and I actually know them.  One of his cousins was my dentist!  Small world.  Anyways...after we dropped her off and visited for a few minutes we came back home.  Then tonight we got to go out on a double date with Tom and Virginia to celebrate Tom's birthday.  I brought my camera and didn't even take a picture.  Our neighbor was sweet enough to watch our children for us.  When we got home the kids were clean and ready for bed.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Special Visitor

Today was a pretty eventful day.  Justus had his first dentist appointment this morning, which went really well.  I was surprised at how well it went just because Justus can be pretty timid about those sorts of things.  After his dentist appointment we went to Wal-Mart and he got to pick out a little toy for doing such a great job at the dentist.  When we got home it was off to school for the boys.  Charley and I rested and then went to the Metro station to pick up Aunt Barbara.  She was here to greet the boys when they got home from school.  The kids had fun playing with her and showing her all their new toys since the last time she visited.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Third Times a Charm

Today was the third time I painted our door.  I wanted to door to match our shutters which are a dark blue.  I originally bought a blue paint, but it dried way brighter than I was expecting.  So...what to do...I decided to make my own dark blue paint by adding black to the bright blue paint.  It was a good idea...and worked, but I didn't mix enough and when I tried to do touch-ups the paint dried a different color, so I had to mix up a whole new batch to paint the door a third and final time.  It turned out really good...but I don't think I will be mixing my own paint color again anytime soon.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Getting Closer

The front of the house is almost done.  They just have the poles to wrap and to finish the facia.  They really only have the backside of the house to side.  I'm thinking they will be done tomorrow.  CAN.NOT.WAIT!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sick Day

Today was pretty least for Charley and I.  We stayed back from church since Charley has Impetigo...although it is clearing up.  We spent the rest of the day hanging around the I said pretty uneventful.

Saturday, April 14, 2012


So yesterday I had noticed that Charley had a little bug bite (or so I thought) on her eyebrow.  I didn't really think much of it.  I just figured I would watch it and make sure it didn't get bigger or anything.  Well this morning she woke up and it was kind of crusted over.  I cleaned it up, and Jon suggested I take her to the doctor just to be on the safe side.  Off to the doctor we went.  They determined that it wasn't a bug bite, but Impetigo, a staph infection.  It's highly contagious I'm hoping we don't all get it.  She now has an anitbiotic and a hopefully it will clear up in a couple days.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Rainy Day

Today we spent the afternoon with our neighbor.  We went over to Lebanon and ate lunch and then looked in the little shops...and ate ice cream.  It was pretty fun even though it was cold and rainy.  I think Charley actually liked it that way.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


They started working on our siding today!  It looks so great!!  I'm so excited to see the finished product.  Hopefully it won't rain tomorrow so they can get it finished.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

This Girl

This girl has been sneaking out of her room and night and sleeping in the boys room.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

It's Here

Today they delivered our siding.  They will be starting on it tomorrow!  Can't wait for the finished product!

Monday, April 9, 2012


Jonathan had a four day weekend, and we used that time to do some work outside, relax, and have fun.  What I didn't spend that time doing was house work, so today I played catch-up with the laundry, dishes, and cleaning.  The bedrooms all got a good cleaning and tomorrow I will probably work on the kitchen.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter

This morning was a little crazy, but I did manage to get a couple cute pictures of the kids all dressed up.  Jon volunteered to help with childcare, so I had to get the kids ready by myself.  The kids were actually very well behaved, so that was an Easter blessing.  We have had a pretty good day...including a little egg hunt.  Oh yes, and this hug was unprompted.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Home Sweet Home

Today the kids and I went to Mt. Vernon.  We had a pretty good time hanging out with Mimi, blowing bubbles, and shopping.  I even got to squeeze lunch in with one of my favorite people.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Good Friday

Jon woke up pretty sore from power washing outside yesterday, so we didn't end up doing to much.  It was a pretty lazy day, but I guess those are necessary sometimes.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

He Works Hard for the Money

Jon spent a good deal outside today power washing our front and back patios.  He rented a powerful washer so that we could get all the paint up off the concrete....only to paint it again....probably.  I felt bad for him since it was kind of chilly outside.  He definitely worked hard today.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Long Day

Today has been a long day.  I think mostly because the boys didn't have school...and we didn't get out of the house at all today.  Jon has the next two days off...I'm excited to have him home!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


One of Jon's good friends gave us tickets to see tonight's Fiddler on the Roof at the Peabody Opera House.  Jon and I were both pretty excited to go.  I had never seen Fiddler....and I LOVED it.  Jon and I aslo got to enjoy a little dinner before hand at Pi...a pizza place in St. Louis.  It was really good and I have a feeling we will go back.  All-in-all it was a great night....even if the show didn't get over until 11.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Eye Doctor

This morning I had to take Justus to the eye doctor.  He has to go since he will be entering Kindergarten next year.  I was so proud of him.  He did such a great job and was so polite to everyone.  The cutest part was when the doctor's assistant was testing his eyes and he said, "Thank you, doctor."  She then said, "Oh, I'm not the doctor.  I'm his helper."  To which Justus replied, "Thank you , Helper."  It made me smile.  Silly me forgot to take a picture at the doctor's this one will have to do.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Movie Time

Tonight before bed we let the kids watch Toy Story 2 in the boys room.  It's kind of nice having a TV in the boys room since we can turn it on and have a little adult time without being interrupted.  Sorry for the poor picture...I took it on my cell phone.