Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Check - Up

The boys both had their annual check-ups today. I was not looking forward to the appointment because I had to take all three kids with me...but that's life sometimes. The appointment went really well...and the kids were all really well behaved. I was super thankful for that. Matthias is in the 74th percentile on both height and weight and Justus is in the 85th for both. The boys both had to get shots which was when chaos broke out for a brief time since neither of the boys wanted to get shots. They got through it though and got suckers and a bouncy ball when they were finished. I also had the doctor check Charley's ears just to make sure they were clearing up and they are...so it was good news all around. I was so thankful that the kids were good and that the appointment went very smoothly.

Monday, January 30, 2012

It's a Beautiful Day

Today was a beautiful day! Our weather has been all over the place, but I've definitely enjoyed the warmer days. We had fun playing outside today, and the kids got to get some much needed fresh air.

Sunday, January 29, 2012


As a bedtime snack the kids had some chocolate/vanilla pudding. Charley loves her some pudding. She has had a rough couple of days....she has a pretty nasty cough right now. She is also very cranky. I'm really hoping she gets to feeling better soon! It is supposed to be really nice out this week, so maybe a little fresh air will help her.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Snot Nose

Matthias has a really bad habit of wiping his nose with the back of his hand. He swipes with his left hand across his cheek....leaving a trail of snot across his face most of the time....also causing his left cheek to become chapped. He also gets the worst chapped lips....at least he's still cute with all that chapping on his face!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Left Behind

Justus got upset today because Matthias beat him to the house. He didn't want Matthias to leave him behind...so he wouldn't come in the house. He pouted outside until I finally came out and carried him to the house.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

That's More Like It

Charley was pretty much back to her normal self today. She still had a slight fever, but it was fixed with rotating Tylenol and Motrin. I could tell she still wasn't 100%, but hopefully that's not too far off. I have to make an appointment to have her ears looked at again in a few days. I'm just glad she was back to her spunky self today. I felt so sorry for her yesterday.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Princess Germs

Today has been a rough day for our sweet little girl. She has been running a fever all day. The lowest it has gotten is 100.3 and spiked to 103.5. She has been pretty icky all day. Laying around and sleeping....and so hot. Finally at around 430 I decided it was time to head to Urgicare. I had to take all three kids...yuck. They checked her temp and it was at 101.3. Jon did show up though so I left Charley with him and came home with the boys. While I was there they gave her both Tylenol and Motrin....followed by a popsicle. They think she may have a double ear infection. When I left they were waiting for Charley's temp to drop before sending her home. I just received a text from Jon that her temp is back down to 97.8...yay! Now we will just have to watch it and rotate Tylenol and Motrin. I'm just happy to hear that her temp is down and Jon said she is getting some color back and talking more. Hopefully tomorrow will start off a little better for our little princess.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I'm Back!

So life was getting a little crazy around here. Jon was really stressed at work and working long hours due to a couple people quitting. This also meant that I was working long hours and getting stressed out at home. I decided to take a little break from this here blog just to decompress a little. I think it has helped and Jon is getting back to a much more normal schedule...so life is definitely on the up-swing.

January has been pretty routine with the exception of a few things like our van breaking down in Springfield and our computer getting a virus...other than that is has been pretty quiet.

The newest obsession in our home is Mario. Our friends are letting us borrow it for the Wii. Justus loves playing it....and he's actually getting good. I think he will be upset when we give the game back.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Happy Birthday

This evening (thanks to Mimi), we got to celebrate a good friend's birthday. We had a really good double date. It's always nice to get out and have adult time.

Friday, January 6, 2012

My Morning

Today has been one of those days. It got off to a rough start and just didn't get much better. Kids crying, throwing fits, missing the bus, messes everywhere. I'm hoping tomorrow starts on a little bit better of a note.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Book Worm

So I've been reading a ton lately. I've been reading the Stephanie Plum novels by Janet Evanovich...and I'm hooked. I just finished book #11 of 18. My nightstand is a little cluttered right now.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


This evening all three children ran around the house in makeshift capes and underwear on their head. I'm not sure what kind of superheroes they were....but they were having a good time running around the house.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


This afternoon while making my lunch I sliced a chunk of skin off the top of my thumb. It didn't hurt too much, but the older I get the less I like the sight of blood. Yuck.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Game Night

Tonight we had friends over to play a game that Jonathan got for Christmas. It was a good time.