Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Today Charley woke up from her nap very cranky...to say the least. All she wanted was to be held. At first I thought she was still tired, so I laid her back down. When she wouldn't lay back down I realized that she was rather warm. Turns out she had a slight fever. I gave her some tylenol and then cuddled with my sweet baby girl. She seems to be feeling a little better, and headed to bed a little early this evening since she was rather sleepy.

Monday, August 30, 2010


One man's trash is another man's treasure. Well that was definitely true this morning. I was on my way to the gym when I saw this beauty. Can you believe someone wanted to get rid of it? How perfect is that!?! It's in great condition...only a tiny bit of wear. So now Charley has a new tricycle for next summer....and it was free!!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Baby Doll

One of the gifts that Charley got from Aunt Sarah yesterday was a new baby doll. This baby doll giggles when you squeeze her. Charley thinks it is very funny and gets very excited when the baby giggles. Sorry for the blurry picture....it was hard to hold the camera, squeeze the doll and take a picture all at the same time.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Moose Socks

Jon's dad and sister came down today. They brought gifts for the kids from their trip to New Hampshire. The kids were excited for gifts and to see their Grandpa and Aunt Sarah. One of the things the boys got were moose socks. Matthias really liked them.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Pay Day

Today was pay day, which in the Klestinski household basically means we are in need of some groceries. This morning I had to make a trip to the store so that my children actually had something to eat for breakfast. I decided to make it a special occasion and treat them to doughnuts and chocolate milk. They loved it...especially the chocolate milk!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Mimi's Plane

Today we headed to the airport to pick up my mom. She had been in Arizona for the past week. The boys loved being at the airport. They kept calling for Mimi...who of course wasn't there yet. They were very good while waiting....even if they were blocking an entire half of the staircase.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Man Cup

So about a week ago at Wal-Mart my mom purchased the boys some juice. Justus got a Batman drink and Matthias got Spiderman. They came in reusable cups. Justus can't seem to remember that his character is Batman though. Instead he calls it his "man" cup. I think it's pretty funny. "Mom, can I have my man cup?" I smile every time he asks for it.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Sweet Girl

Matthias brought his pillow out to the living room this afternoon....and Charley couldn't have been happier. She loved laying on it and rolling around.

Monday, August 23, 2010

My Fear

So one of my fears when I found out we were having a little girl is that Charley wouldn't be a girly girl. Now I know there are bigger issues to worry about, but I'm not very good at looking at the big picture...just ask Jon. I'm very short-sighted. Anyways, I would ask Jon all the time, "What if she doesn't like being girly?" "What if she doesn't like make-up and dresses or pedicures...or doing her hair?" It seriously has me worried. I'm so not a tomboy. I'm not athletic...I wasn't a brainiac....but I am kind of girly. I love pedicures, clothes, make-up...and pink! Today I saw a glimpse of the future and I have hopes that Charley is going to be a girly girl. She brought her headband to me and wanted to wear it. Something small, but I'm hoping that maybe she will at least every once in a while be girly with me. I will worry about all those other things when the time comes, but for now I'm just happy that she wants to wear her headband.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Separation Anxiety

Charley has just this week started to develop separation anxiety from me. This morning she went into full meltdown mode when I dropped her off at church...something that has never happened. The workers said they were pretty sure it was the first time they had seen her cry. Hopefully this stage will pass soon.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Little Cubs Fan

Justus loves being like his dad. Today Jonathan wore a hat, so Justus wanted to wear a hat too.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Funny Faces

Today, out of nowhere, Matthias started making funny faces. It was pretty cute. I just love him!

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Our air conditioning is fixed!! I'm so glad. Sleeping last night was not the most comfortable....every time I woke up I felt hot and sticky....and that was with 5 fans in our room. It's fixed now though, and I'm very thankful. My dad fixes a/c's, so he was able to figure the problem out. It wasn't even really related to the a/c....just a loose connection for one of the wires. The great thing is it didn't even cost us anything to fix it...just a quick turn of the screw! Right now the house is still cooling off, but it feels a ton better in our house. We are just sitting soaking up the cool air.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Hot Hot Hot

So today our air conditioning went out. Boo. It's pretty hot in our house right now. My dad is coming over tomorrow and will hopefully be able to fix it. This picture has nothing to do with the a/c....just a beautiful little girl who doesn't care that it's hot in our house.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Due to our windows being installed yesterday the kids stayed at my parents house. They were very exhausted. They love being at my parents house and the freedom of running in their fenced in yard. They always spend a lot of time outside....and yesterday was the perfect day for it. Needless to say....they all took three hour naps today....very sleepy.

Monday, August 16, 2010

New Windows

Today we got our new windows!! It's crazy how much better they make the house look. It's also funny the things you get excited about as an adult.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Fashion Sense

Justus came out of his room looking like this today. I'm not sure where he found his shorts...but I was quite impressed that he got his boots on.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Brotherly Love

My boys love each other. They don't always show it, but I know they do. They love playing with each other and laughing and running. And sometimes...not very often though....they actually show each other how much they love each other with a big hug.

Friday, August 13, 2010

A Beautiful Flower....

for a beautiful little girl. Jonathan brought me flowers this evening and gave one to Charley. I thought it was pretty sweet. I think she did too.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

No Pictures, Please

I gave Matthias a haircut today. When I tried to get a picture of his newly cut hair...he didn't want me anywhere near him.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Ice Tea

Who knew that Justus would love ice tea so much...but he does. He calls it brown juice and that's what he wants all the time. Don't worry it's decaf...so not much to worry about there.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Today Justus insisted on wearing socks and "gloves" around the house. He wore them for quite awhile, but then finally took them off. I'm not sure where he gets his ideas.

Monday, August 9, 2010


Today we had a little afternoon snack...popcorn or as the boys call it pah-corns. They love it. Justus was so excited he was doing a little dance.

Sunday, August 8, 2010


This morning I got up with the kids....planning on heading to church. That plan didn't exactly work out. Matthias was sick....again. So, I stayed back with him and Jon headed off to church with our other two children. Matthias got sick a couple of times. He spent a lot of time sitting in the bathtub also. He doesn't quite understand throwing up in the toilet yet, so we just set him in the tub. He was good about telling me when he thought he was going to get sick though. He finally took a nap and then woke up with the hunger of 100 men. He ate like 6 waffles!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Story Time

Today Aunt Sarah paid a visit. The kids love when she comes over. Today they had her read to them.

Friday, August 6, 2010

So Strong

Have I ever mentioned that Justus is super strong? Today he showed me the muscles to prove it.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Bunny

Today a mysterious pink bunny appeared in our house. The boys like putting him on their fingers. I'm thinking that Justus must have taken him for the gym today....so tomorrow we will be returning the bunny.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Without Fail

So every morning and after nap time Charley wakes up soaked. Her diaper leaks...without fail. I don't know why this is. I almost always change her right before naptime...or close to it. Over night is a little more understandable. Anyways, because of that she usually ends up walking around the house looking a little something like this. I guess I might have to start putting her in one of Matthias' diapers before naps and bedtime.

P.S. Sorry for the blurry picture.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Have I Mentioned?

I hate being hot. Despise. Loathe. I don't care what word you use....I really don't like it. I'm trying to be better about it because the kids love being outside. When it's warm though it's easy for me to want to stay indoors...where there is air conditioning. It doesn't even have to be hot...just warm. Anyways...I decided to put my hatred for the heat aside today and head outside. We played in the pool, but not for very long. It was way too hot to stay outside today for an extended period of time. Charley loved the pool today. I decided not to fill it up as much so that Charley didn't have to be in her floaty. She just splashed and splashed.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Pool Side

Today we spent some more time outside in the pool. The kids really love it...and this way we all get a little sun. Maybe we will all get rid of our vampire-like complexions if we keep this up.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Fun in the Sun

Today we spent some time outside playing in the pool. The kids all had a great time. They do love being outside...and love the pool even more.