Monday, January 31, 2011

Welcome Home Daddy!

Jon came home a little early from work today. He promised he would leave early due to the weather. We are supposed to get hit with a pretty bad ice/snow storm. The last time we had a bad ice storm was in 2006 right before we had Justus. We lost power for 10 days I think....and got it back right in time to bring Justus home. Anyways, we got about 1/4" in 2006....they are calling for about the same this time. I'm hoping maybe it will miss us...but for now we will have to wait and see.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sleeping Babes

The past few Sunday's I have had to work a 2-10 shift. I really don't like it since I get home from church, eat lunch, and then head to work. I then don't get home until everyone in the house is sleeping. I can't complain too much though since this week I don't work again until Saturday morning.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Baby Tenley

So this morning I watched baby Tenley. Our friends were attending a marriage conference at a local church, so we were more than happy to watch Tenley for them. Charley was pretty fascinated with her and liked her until I would hold the baby. She would get really jealous. She eventually got over it, but didn't quite understand why I had to hold the baby at first. Tenley left during naptime, and when Charley got up she kept calling out "Baby. Baby." and was going around the house looking for her. I think she missed her.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Yellow Pancakes

For lunch today I decided to make the kids was pretty much their only option. It's payday Friday, so we are pretty much out of everything. I can't wait to go grocery shopping tomorrow. Anyways, to make the pancakes a little more exciting I decided to add a little food coloring. I asked Thi what color pankcakes I should make...he said "yellow". I was a little disappointed since yellow isn't all that much of a color change for a pancake...but I consented and made yellow pancakes. They thought it was pretty fun eating yellow pancakes.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Charley insisted on this sucker today. She didn't even come close to finishing it. She was pretty upset when I took it away.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Hungry, Hungry Hippos

For Christmas the kids got Hungry, Hungry Hippos. They all love playing it....although I think Charley might like trying to eat the marbles a little more. They played together this afternoon. I'm looking forward to more stuff like this.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Aunt Sarah had gotten the boys a few costumes for Christmas this year. they enjoy getting them out and putting them on. This morning before school Justus really wanted to wear his dragon costume. I said that he couldn't, but I promised as soon as he got home from school he could put it on. The first words out of his mouth when he walked in the door were, "Mom, where's my dragon costume?" We then headed to his room so he could be a dragon.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Sick Day

This morning started off pretty normal. I was up making the kids breakfast and waiting for Justus to get up so I could get him ready for school. Matthias and Charley were already up and dressed. Justus got up around 715 and came out to the living room. He said, "I feeling sick." Now, he says this a lot, so I disregarded him and told him I was making him something to eat. He then turned around and headed for the bathroom and sat in front of the toilet. He didn't get sick, but he then decided to lay on the bathroom floor for quite some time. Since this was not something that happened all the time I knew he must really be sick. I gave him some milk and his breakfast...which he said he wanted. It wasn't long however before he had to make another trip to the bathroom...this time he did get sick. He spent most of the morning laying in the chair all bundled up. By nap time he was back to his normal self I'm glad that he is feeling better.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Our Sunday Best

For church this morning I decided to dress the kids all in red and black. Yes, I am THAT parent...and I'm okay with it. They were the cutest kids there.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Aunt Sarah got home from Hawaii today. She stopped at the house on her way back home to give us all presents. Jon and I got some chocolate and some macadamia nut shortbread. Charley received a very cute Hawaiian dress that I can't wait to put on her in the spring. The boys both got cars with surfboards on them. They were super excited about them!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Rough Day

Today was just one of those days. The kids were cranky, I was cranky. Matthias had a melt down because some of the chocolate fell off his swiss roll. You would have thought someone attacked him.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Snow Day

So I would like to start off by saying that I can be a really not fun mom sometimes. I tend to shy away from fun things that require a lot of work on my end. Today, however, I put all the work aside and decided to take the kids out to play in the snow. Yes it probably took more time to get them ready than we spent outside, but it was very worth it. The kids LOVED it! they ran around in the snow, threw snow in the air, made snow angels, and Charley even liked eating the snow. This was Charley's first experience with playing in the snow. I was very glad that I took the time to bundle them all up today.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

New Hobby

For the past few days Matthias has been obsessed with putting together puzzles. He mainly really likes this fish puzzle...even though there are three other ones in this set. I'm glad he's taken an interest in puzzles though...he can be less than focused sometimes, and this is a good thing for him to focus on.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Naked Time

Well...not quite naked, but Justus is going through a phase where he would much rather wear his underwear around than have clothes on. I guess I'm okay with it. It makes him going potty a lot quicker of a process, so that's kind of nice.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Guys Night Out

Jonathan decided tonight was the night to take Justus out for some one on one time. They headed to Buffalo Wild Wings.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Lazy Day

We didn't have the kids all day today...which was kind of nice....for Jon. I had to work, so he got the whole day to do whatever he wanted. I maybe was a little jealous.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Date Night

My parents took the kids for the evening..actually the weekend. I have to work for most of it, but Jon and I got to go out on a date this evening. We went to Chili's, the mall, and Barnes & Noble. We had a good night. I love date night!

Friday, January 14, 2011

If You're Happy and You Know It...

Charley LOVES playing in the sink in the bathroom. If she sees that the bathroom door has been left open she immediately goes in, climbs up on the toilet and turns the faucet on. Today while I was doing my hair I let her play in the water. She loved it. She thought it was so funny to get her hands all wet and then clap. And I thought she was pretty cute while doing it.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Puzzle Time

This afternoon the kids all worked on puzzles. I like this time because they are generally pretty focused, not fighting, and quiet. Definitely three things that don't happen very often, but when it is wonderful!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

So Proud

So after naptime Charley got up and was rather cranky. She saw her flower on the floor and said, "Bow!". I asked if she wanted it on and she nodded. I put it on and she has worn it all afternoon. I am so proud!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Solution

Today at Walmart I picked up a couple of footie pajamas for Charley. I was hoping she would just stop taking her diaper off at naptime and bedtime...but she didn't. So for my sanity, I got some pajamas she can't take off to get at her diaper.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Boys Night

Tonight Jonathan took Matthias out to dinner for some one-on-one time. I'm excited to hear all about their dinner when they get back. Matthias was pretty excited.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The View

So when I got home from work this is what I saw when I walked in....three men standing in our very tiny bathroom.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Run Around

Today was one of those crazy days. I actually had the morning off, which was really nice. Unfortunately it was my Saturday to get up with the kids...and they decided not to sleep in, so I was up at about 645. I got up fed the kids, brushed my teeth, and turned on some cartoons. Jonathan woke up around 730, and then headed to O'Reilly's for a diagnostic on his car. Then we all loaded up to drop his car off at Midas and stop into Target to grab my paycheck and some diapers, and then also head to the bank. Once we were home we played, watched some more cartoons, had a snack, and then Jonathan had to go buy some parts once Midas called with everything they would need. It's a huge hassle having to run all over the place buying parts...but so worth it. We have saved a ton of money on car work this way. Jon left and I put the kids down for their nap. When Jonathan got home we ate lunch, watched TV, and then I decided to take a nap. I was awoken by Jonathan's phone twice though, so decided to give up on the nap since I knew the kids would soon be up. Once the kids were up from their nap they ate some corndogs and we were off to Midas again to get Jon's car. No more running around...but it was however time for Jonathan to head to work at Scottrade. Long day...I'm tired and so are the kids.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Show and Tell

So this morning Justus had show and tell for the first time at school He was pretty excited about taking Gordon to show his friends at school.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

My Pooh Bear

In more than one way is Charley my pooh bear. Once again I found her playing in her stinky diaper at naptime. Yuck...that's all I can say.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

It's Here!

I was pleasantly surprised when I went to the mailbox today and found my passport. I assumed it was Jonathan's only because he had his expedited...but when I saw it was addressed to me I knew it was mine. I'm super excited that it's here and now we are just waiting for Jonathan's to arrive, which should be here any day now. Have I mentioned we are going to Cancun at the beginning of March? Well, we are...just me and Jonathan. We are both excited and looking forward to the time to relax and get away. Once we get Jonathan's passport we will have everything in place...all that will be left is packing!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Charley's hair is getting so long....and out of control. I have no idea what to do with it...but I do know I don't want to cut it. I have no clue what to do with curly hair. I bought some spray gel today...but I don't really like it. She won't keep bows in her hair usually and it's not really long or thick enough to pull up yet. I just need to figure something out. If you have any tips or tricks feel free to share.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Back to Normal

I really hate being out of our routine. I just don't get much I was so ready for today. Today was the day Justus went back to school and we resumed our regular schedule. We get up early, eat breakfast, get dressed, drop Justus off at school, then the rest of us head to the gym, and back home to greet Justus as he gets off the bus, have a snack, watch some cartoons, naptime, then playtime until Jonathan gets home. I love the routine. It makes my life much better!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

You Don't Want to Know...

Some people have a mud room...but we have a poop room. I don't know what it is about our children...but they all have gone through a phase where they have taken off their poopy diapers and gotten it everywhere. If you would like to pretend that's chocolate on her face so you can sleep my guest, that's what I plan on doing.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Bye, Bye Sadie

So for the past week we have been watching my parents dog, Sadie. She goes home tomorrow. She has been pretty good while she has been here and is a pretty low maintenance dog. I think this week has proved that our family is not ready for a dog, however. Maybe someday...but that day won't be anytime soon.