Wednesday, March 31, 2010

He's Sleeping!

So today while we were outside playing Justus found a dead animal. I'm not really sure what it is/was...but Justus called it a doggy (I'm thinking it was a mole or a rabbit). He then kept saying...he's sleeping, he's sleeping.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Blue Ska-do...

Justus and Matthias were dancing today. Justus does the "Blue ska-do" dance all the time. It's pretty cute. He even sings sometimes.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Hanging in the Vern

Today we headed to Mt. Vernon to hang out with Amy and to stop in and see Mimi and Papa. We went to the playground with Amy. The boys had fun running around. Charley got to swing for the first time also. she seemed to like least she didn't really mind it.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Poor Charley

So this week Charley has been a little out of sorts. She had a slight fever a couple of days, which I wasn't too concerned about. I had written it off as her teething (she is cutting 4 teeth right now). But after two nights of her waking up screaming and refusing to sleep and also not having much of an appetite I assumed there must be something wrong, so we ventured to the doctor's office on Friday morning. We discovered that she had an ear infection....our first here in the Klestinski household. I was somewhat relieved to find out that she had an ear infection and that her teething wasn't the cause of the problem. She has been on antibiotics and taking motrin/tylenol. She is sleeping much better...still a little cranky, but I know she will be back to my very sweet and happy little girl soon.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Fun Times with Aunt Sarah

Grandpa and Aunt Sarah came down today to hang out with the kids this evening. Jon and I are headed to a birthday party, so they are going to watch them while we are gone. The kids love having company, so they were very excited to see them.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Monkey Joe's

Tonight we met another couple and their children at Monkey Joe's. The boys had a blast running, jumping, and sliding. We had fun talking with our friends and chasing our children. I also got called an "old lady"...nice.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Come In

Justus lured Charley into his room this afternoon. He really likes for her to come in his room for some reason. He then decided to entertain her by getting under his blankets and popping out. She thought it was hilarious. I guess he only wanted an audience of 1 because when I came in to take a picture he told me to "Get out, Mommy."

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Fruit Loop

Charley has been teething for the past few weeks. She finally cut her 2nd bottom tooth and now she is cutting all four front top teeth. They are all so close. Anyways, they have made for a somewhat cranky baby. Today she was not in the mood for her bottle at all. I finally got her to eat some baby food, and I let her try fruit loops for the first time. She loved them! She ate a whole big hand full of them.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Hello Spring!

It was such a gorgeous day out today! I wish it could be like this everyday....70 degrees and sunny. Of course we spent a good amount of time outside this afternoon. The boys had fun running around the yard, swinging, sliding...whatever they wanted really. While we were outside today the boys discovered this hole in the ground. They loved it! They liked sliding down into it and just sitting in the bottom. I'm not sure what they loved so much about it...but it kept them entertained for quite some time.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Cranky Pants

Some days Matthias wakes up in a very foul mood after his nap. Today was one of those days. He is very cranky and won't talk...just whine. He usually wants something but won't say what it is. I held him for a few minutes hoping that he would calm down and tell me what he wanted....he didn't so I was forced to put him down. He proceeded to scream and cry. Finally he came out with it...he wanted to watch Blue's Clues.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Rainy Day

Today was a pretty boring day. We didn't make it to church this morning, it was very cold, and very wet, but at least Charley was happy!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Story Time

Tonight before bed the boys actually wanted Jon to read a book to them. This doesn't happen very often because the boys can hardly sit still for longer than 5 seconds. Tonight was different though. They sat and listened to a couple different stories before it was time for bed. I wish they would let one of us do this every night.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Charley Want a Cracker?

So Charley had her 9 month check-up yesterday. She weighs 20 lbs. 2 oz. (75th percentile) and is 29 inches tall (90th percentile). The doctor said we could start introducing more table foods. I've been giving her little bites of some stuff, but I decided it was time to introduce something that she could feed herself...besides banana puffs (which she isn't very good at getting in her mouth). She really loves crackers. I think she really likes the saltiness of them.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Matthias the Friendly Ghost

Today Matthias was sick again. I should have known something was wrong when he hadn't woken up by 7:15. At 8 o'clock I went into his room to get Charley some clothes, and I hit Matthias with the door. He was just laying in the floor and looked up at me with a very sad, ghostly pale face and asked for some more juice. I could tell he didn't feel good from how he was acting. I got him up and changed his diaper and laid him on the couch. I had to leave to take Charley to the poor mom had to watch my sick, pukey child. Thankfully after he took a nap he was feeling like himself again. I'm hoping we are the only two to catch this stomach bug.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I'm Gonna Get You!

We got to spend some time outside today as a family. Jon came home early since I caught that stomach bug that Matthias had yesterday....thanks Thi. Anyways, so we spent some time playing outside. The boys of course loved it. Justus was trying to get me in this picture. I think he's pretty cute...even when I don't feel so hot.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Today I was getting the kids all ready to go outside. I had socks, shoes, jackets on everyone. I had to go grab a pacifier for Charley and as I was walking down the hall headed toward the door I heard it....the sound of Matthias getting sick. Yuck! He then proceeded to throw up five times. Needless to say we didn't make it outside. Once he got sick he was fine. He was back to his normal self within a few minutes.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Standing Tall

Yesterday Charley was finally able to figure out how to pull up on the furniture. I didn't get a picture yesterday though because everytime I went to grab the camera she would plop down on the ground....what a stinker! She is getting better at it though and did it quite often today. The only bad part about her pulling up is that she doesn't always know how to sit back down...especially when she is tired. This becomes a problem at bedtime. She will stand up and then scream because she doesn't know how to sit back down. I guess she will learn eventually.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Thank You Brother!

Today Charley found a piece of waffle on the floor compliments of one of her brothers. I'm pretty sure she loved it.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

My Buddy

Matthias is my little buddy. He loves sitting in my lap and snuggling with me. I really like it because he is the only one of the kids that is like that. I have a feeling he may just be a momma's boy.

Friday, March 12, 2010

So Big!

This morning upon entering Charley's room, I found her standing in her crib!! I was so excited! She has been trying so hard the past few weeks to pull up and she finally succeeded. I can't believe how big she is getting. I know it won't be long before she is cruising the furniture and taking her first steps.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Justus woke up this morning and insisted on putting on his snow boots. He loves these boots! He forgets about them because they are in his closet, but when he sees them he usually has to have them on. I'm sure they will make some more appearances in the future.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Today was another beautiful day. The kids and I spent some time outside. I decided to put some play jeans on Charley and let her crawl around the yard. She loved the freedom. She also loved putting anything she could get her hands on into her mouth. I finally had to go inside to get her pacifier so that she would stop putting leaves, sticks, and grass in her mouth.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Flower Power

Today I made Charley a fabric flower for her hair. I think she looks pretty cute! Have I mentioned how much I love having a little girl? My next purchase for her is going to be Piggy Paint. I'm pretty excited about it!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Like a Bird

Today was another beautiful day. After nap time (or Justus' lack of), we headed outdoors for a good portion of the late afternoon. The boys had fun running around and Charley even got to enjoy crawling around on the ground for a little while. She enjoyed touching everything and attempting to eat leaves. Matthias loves swinging like a bird and that's how he spent a lot of his time.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Beautiful Day

Today was so beautiful! It was the nicest day we've had in a really long time. After church we let the boys run wild in the back yard. They had a blast, and it was nice to be outside with them. I am definitely looking forward to more days like today.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Day Trip

We decided to head to Springfield today to visit Jon's parents and also help Aunt Sarah with a little house project. We stopped in to visit Jon's mom first. She seemed happy to see us and enjoyed a little special time with Charley.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Cat Scratch Fever

Neifi finally got Justus. I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner. Today when I was in the shower...during the kids' naptime...Justus came out of his room and messed with Neifi and he scratched his face. Justus came into the bathroom to make me aware that 1. he was up and out of his room and 2. that Neifi had scratched his face.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Cookie Monster

It seems like Matthias cannot eat a cookie without getting it all over his face. I actually think it's pretty cute. This is the cleanest I've seen his face after eating a cookie.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Peg Leg

Justus seems to have a fascination with walking with things in or on his feet. Today his object of choice was a cup. He looked like a little pirate!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Special Visit

I had to take Justus to his speech evaluation at the school this morning, so Matthias and Charley got a special visit from Mimi who was willing to drive over to watch them. The kids love when Mimi comes over.

Monday, March 1, 2010

A Girl and Her Carbs

Today Charley was eye-ing her brothers bread. It was pretty cute. She kept crawling back and forth in front of his plate staring at the bread. She would pull up to her knees and look at the bread and think about grabbing it.