Wednesday, August 31, 2011


So this week has been an adjustment to our schedule. The bus comes around 1145, and then returns at around 3. Needless to say Thi misses out on naptime. I think right before school he feels it the most, but he comes home energized. He also falls asleep rather quickly at night, so that's a plus. Hopefully Thi will start to adjust to the whole no nap thing.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

After School Snack

So I'm trying to get used to giving the boys an after school snack. They are usually pretty hungry when they get home. I have been a little more prepared for it this week.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Baby Justus

Justus often pretends he is a baby and wants Thi to push him around the house in Charley's baby stroller. He will say, "Thi your baby."

Sunday, August 28, 2011


We have had a pretty eventful weekend. I had requested off because Jon's family was originally supposed to be coming into town. Unfortunately, when Jon's mom passed away the family had to move the trip up. This meant that I had the whole weekend off, and we didn't really have plans. I usually have to work Sunday afternoons/evenings, so it was nice to get a preview of what life on Sunday's will be like in a couple weeks. We went to church and then on our way home stopped at the City Garden, which has a huge fountain that the kids played in. They had a blast running through the water. It was the perfect day for it too...sunny and not too hot. After that we went grabbed some lunch and then went home for the kids' naptimes. It's been a pretty full but relaxing day. I could get used to this whole not working thing.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Soccer Saturday

So, my children refuse to play soccer when I am watching. They play when Jonathan is watching, but when I am watching they just want to come and sit with me or talk with me...and they whine when I tell them they need to go play soccer. I'm not really sure what we are going to do about this little problem. Justus' coach did tell us today that sometimes they will let siblings play together even if there is an age gap. We are thinking of talking to the rec director to see if we can switch one of the boys to the other one's team. I'll keep you posted on how that goes.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Date Night

My mom has to be at the airport early tomorrow morning, so she is staying the night with us tonight. This gave Jon and I the opportunity to go out on a date night. We went downtown and ate at Charlie Gitto's. We then walked up Washington and had gellato. It was delicious! We even stopped for a few minutes at the blues festival downtown.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The First Day

Well the first day of school has come and gone. Matthias was so excited. He wasn't very photogenic, however. He didn't want his picture taken...oh well. this is the best I got of him by himself. I'm pretty sure the first day went pretty well. Jon came home early today so that I could take the boys on their first day. They then rode the bus home, and will start riding the bus to school tomorrow. Matthias said he had fun...although he did say that Mrs. Spencer stole his stuff out of his backpack. I tried to explain to him that his school supplies had to stay at school, and that's why she took them, but he didn't seem to understand that and asked if I would ask Mrs. Spencer to give his stuff back...ha. We celebrated today by going out for ice cream after school. Overall it's been a good day.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


So I bought Charley this little Elmo doll. She l.o.v.e.s. it!! She seriously carries it with her all the time. If you look close enough you can even see some mushed banana on his lips from where Charley tried to feed him part of her banana.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


So today has been a rough day. It started by heading to the gym. At the end of my workout I got pulled aside by the manager. He informed me that Justus has had several incidents with throwing toys and hitting, which I already knew about. He then told me that if he has one more incident they will have to suspend him from the childcare room. This was really upsetting to me because going to the gym has been part of my routine since Matthias was born and also because I don't think Justus' behavior is going to change. Sometimes I'm at a loss for how to parent him. I feel like I punish him when he does things hitting and throwing fits....but the behavior still continues and makes it difficult at times taking him places with little structure...such as the gym. I'm hoping maybe him getting back in the routine of school will help a little.

Anyways....the highlight of the day...Charley went pee on the potty...twice! She did it all on her own too...without being prompted. That's pretty exciting because I think she really is ready to potty train. It will be an exciting day in the Klestinski house when we no longer have to buy diapers.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Home Visit

Today we had Thi's home visit for Pre-K. His teacher Mrs. Spencer came over and went over everything, gave us a supply list, and talked to Thi a little bit. Matthias is so excited about school. I can't wait for him to start on Thursday!

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Today was a pretty low-key day. Jon worked a concert last night, so we just relaxed. I guess those days are needed sometimes. Thi decided to show me his moves. He's a dancing machine.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Soccer Saturday

We had our first Saturday of soccer today. It went pretty well. Matthias had moments where he didn't want to play, but he did a good job. Unfortunately, they only got to play for about 15 minutes because it started raining and lightening. Hopefully next week will go a little better, and I will get some pictures of Justus.

Friday, August 19, 2011


Tonight we had one of our favorite families over...the Wilsons. We have known them since college. We love getting together with them. Anyways...after Charley stayed at their house for a couple nights she finally warmed up to Joel. It only took her two years.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


When it comes to Charley's hair, I am absolutely CLUELESS. I have no idea what to do with her hair and it's curls. I have been trying to find some sort of product to put on it so that it is curly but not out of control....because it is out of control about 99% of the time right now. She really doesn't like me to mess with her hair, so that makes it a little difficult at times to tame her mane. Anyways...I'm really trying to learn how to style curly hair. I look forward to her taking over this job someday.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Legos have officially taken over our house. I try to keep them in one spot, but they seem to end up just about everywhere. The boys are really good at making little vehicles and using their imaginations though...and it gives me moments of peace throughout the I guess it's worth the mess.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Open House

Tonight we had Open House at the boys' school. We officially got the call today that Matthias will be in the Pre-K program. He was so excited to go to school excited that when we had to leave he started crying because he wanted to stay at school. He insisted on wearing his backpack. Matthias and Justus will both be attending the afternoon session of Pre-K. They will have different teachers though. I am kind of bummed because I was looking forward to rotating kids, and also having a little break to run errands. The afternoon session runs from 12-230, which is right in the middle of nap time. I may try to adjust Charley's naptime a little, but we'll see. They start next Thursday.

Monday, August 15, 2011

New Shoes

When leaving the gym today Justus' sandal had a blow-out. He only has one other pair of shoes, which are a little we made a little trip to Payless today. The boys got matching shoes...and they light up. They were very excited about their new shoes, and insisted on wearing them out of the store.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

New Dress

Charley got to try on her new dress today. I love it. It's a little big on her, but I'm hoping that it will fit her perfectly next summer. I didn't intend for it to be big....but I'm kind of glad it turned out that way so that hopefully it will last a little longer. I am also planning on taking the bottom ruffle off the back because when I put it on her I realized it was a little too long in the back compared to the front. I'm so excited that it turned out cute though...I'm a little impressed with my first dress. Oh, and it was made from old it was super cheap.

Saturday, August 13, 2011


I decided today I was going to give making this dress a try. This is my finished product...the back at least. I can't wait for Charley to try it on tomorrow. I will probably add a coupld of embelishments...but I'm pretty satisfied with it.

Friday, August 12, 2011


Thi gave himself a few tattoos this morning with a permanent marker. I don't even know where he found the marker. The only one I had problems with is that big one on his stomach. The other ones came mostly off.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


I'm in love with this girl. Enough said.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Sand Box

This morning we went to our good friends' house...the Houk's. The kids love going to play with "the girls". Charley spent quite a bit of time in the sand box with her buddy Berlin.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Today was a very exciting day! I had to go to the school to register Justus for Pre-K. I figured I better do it...even though it meant taking all three kids with me. Anyways, as I was getting finished up I decided to ask about Thi getting into the program since he is on a wait list. I was so thankful that the Special Education teacher was there because she informed me that at the board meeting last night they decided to add a section of pre-k...I don't really understand what that means...but Thi will now be starting Pre-K in just a couple of weeks. He is SO excited. As we were going home he kept asking me when he could go to school. I said it would be a couple of weeks and that he would be riding the bus. He then decided that he was going to wait for the bus...I don't think he understood that it would be a couple weeks before the bus would pick him up. I tried to explain it a few times. He sat out on the front porch like this for a few minutes waiting. He didn't want me to take his picture and would get up when I this is the clearest picture I got. Still super cute though.

Monday, August 8, 2011


Today has been a pretty productive day. It really had to be. After working most of the weekend, our house was a disaster. I spent some time putting away dishes/laundry, sweeping, washing, organizing. I was glad that I got a lot done because I really needed to. We even went to Target and got a couple of totes so that I could get some clutter out of the house and into our shed. Thi even got a Power Rangers book from One Spot.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


I have had to work most of the weekend...and when I wasn't working we were running around trying to get stuff done. I kind of miss my family.

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Tonight we went to our good friends' house warming party. We had a really good time getting to see some of our friends that we don't normally get to see. Charley even watched out the window for new arrivals!

**I will post pictures tomorrow...I promise!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Buzz Woody

Charley loves her some Buzz and Woody...although they are usually referred to as Buzz, Woody. She loves watching it. So, today when she woke up way too early from her nap and wouldn't go back to sleep I sat her on the couch and turned on Buzz, Woody for her. It allowed me to have a little extra quiet time, so it was a win in my book.

Thursday, August 4, 2011


I snapped this photo on our way into Wal-Mart this morning. I love their tender, brotherly moments. Right before this Justus gave Thi a kiss of the cheek. It was really sweet.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Today was our first day back on our normal schedule for the first time in a week. Although even today wasn't all that normal. Jon's dad and uncle stopped by on the way to the airport and then Jon is staying late tonight at work since he hasn't been there in a week. I guess maybe today wasn't so normal.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

An Apple a Day

My children all love apples. All 3 of them. This is huge. Very rarely do I find something healthy that all 3 of them enjoy. And even more rarely do I find something healthy that Justus loves. I'm hoping this fall we will be able to go to the orchard and hand pick some apples. Until then I will continue to buy them at the store.

Monday, August 1, 2011


We spent the morning in Rantoul for Judy's funeral today. After the funeral we had a luncheon, and then we headed home. I was so excited to get to see the kids and to finally be home.